Smartphone Use Restricted for Students in Belgium

In Belgium’s French-speaking regions, including Wallonia and Brussels, new restrictions on smartphone use have been introduced in primary and secondary schools. Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, which begins next Monday, students in 373 schools under the Wallonia-Brussels Education Network (WBE) will be prohibited from bringing smartphones to school. This measure impacts approximately 132,600 students.

The primary reason behind this decision is the negative impact smartphones have on students’ well-being and the school environment. The WBE is particularly concerned about bullying and harassment, which have been exacerbated by the sharing of images on digital platforms. Additionally, this restriction is part of a broader effort to improve students’ mental health and help them focus better on their studies.

The new rule will be implemented across all WBE schools, with some schools enforcing it immediately, while others will introduce it gradually throughout the year. The policy allows for the controlled use of digital tools in educational settings, such as lessons on media literacy or artificial intelligence.

By taking this step, Belgium joins other European countries like France, Italy, and the Netherlands, which have already implemented similar restrictions. However, a general ban has not yet been adopted in Belgium’s Flemish region.

This restriction is part of a larger initiative to enhance students’ well-being and create a healthier learning environment.


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