Serdar Berdimuhamedov Congratulates Indonesia on Independence Day

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and the entire Indonesian nation on the occasion of Independence Day, reports TDH.

In his message, the head of Turkmenistan wished his Indonesian counterpart good health, happiness, and well-being, and extended wishes of peace, progress, and prosperity to the people of Indonesia.

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago located in Southeast Asia, is home to more than 270 million people. The Declaration of Independence of Indonesia was adopted on August 17, 1945, marking the proclamation of state sovereignty. Prior to this, the territory of the country was under Dutch colonial rule, and since 1942, it had been occupied by Japan.

It is worth noting that Indonesia plans to move its capital from Jakarta to a new city called Nusantara on the island of Kalimantan in the coming years. This decision is aimed at relieving the overcrowded Jakarta and promoting the development of other regions in the country.

Turkmenistan and Indonesia maintain friendly relations and actively cooperate within international organizations. Both countries are keen to expand economic and cultural ties, exploring opportunities for collaboration in areas such as energy, trade, and education.


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