Programmer of success: Nurmuhammet Tajimyradov

Rising Star in Programming: Nurmuhammet Tajimyradow

Early Interest and Education

From a young age, Nurmuhammet Tajimyradow was deeply interested in computers. Recognizing his early enthusiasm for technological devices, his parents enrolled him in the 21st specialized high school for young physicists and mathematicians in his hometown, Dashoguz. During his school years, Nurmuhammet delved deeply into subjects such as English, mathematics, and physics. He also honed his skills in computer technologies, programming, and robotics, participating in local, district, regional, state, and international competitions and intellectual contests.

Academic Achievements

In 2021, Nurmuhammet secured third place in the state-level robotics competition of the “Golden Talents of the Golden Age” project competition among school students. In the same year, he also won third place in the informatics olympiad organized by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

In 2022, he achieved third place in the state-level informatics competition and second place in the robotics category of the “Golden Talents of the Golden Age” project competition.

University Journey

After graduating with distinction from his specialized high school, Nurmuhammet successfully passed the entrance exams for his current university, Magtymguly Turkmen State University. As a second-year student of applied mathematics and computer science at the Faculty of Information Technology, he continues to pursue his passion for computer programming with great enthusiasm.

Professional Experience and Contributions

Nurmuhammet’s first active project was developing and commissioning an e-commerce platform for a market in Dashoguz when he was just 16 years old. This early experience laid the foundation for his professional growth.

Currently, Nurmuhammet is enhancing his programming skills at “Belet” technology company. He is also an active member of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly. Additionally, he has volunteered at numerous youth events and supervised bootcamps for young individuals interested in programming, sharing his knowledge and passion with his peers.

Recent Successes

In 2023, Nurmuhammet won third place in the Open International Internet Olympiad (OIIO-2023) among university students. In the same academic year, he also secured third place in the First Open International Informatics Olympiad (OIOIUS-2023), organized by the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas (HNGU). In 2024, he achieved first place in the Second Open International Informatics Olympiad (OIOIUS-2024).


Nurmuhammet is now preparing to participate in the upcoming olympiad in Sochi, Russia, as well as the “INFOMATRIX-2024” project competition.


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