Magtymguly is a visionary poet of Turkmen literature

The poet-thinker Magtymguly Pyragy envisioned a prosperous future for his people, a dream realized in today’s Turkmenistan. Our nation is a global symbol of peace and harmony, thanks to its independent neutral stance. The Turkmen people, deeply valuing unity, hold Magtymguly in the highest esteem. His wisdom continues to inspire and strengthen our nation.

Magtymguly’s profound love for his people fueled his philosophical insights into life, humanity, and the world. He urged his countrymen toward spiritual growth, a just society, and self-awareness as a nation. A master of language, Magtymguly’s poetry seamlessly blended philosophy and art, leaving an enduring mark on the human soul.

In 2024, the world celebrates the 300th birth anniversary of this literary giant. Magtymguly’s timeless message of patriotism, humanism, peace, and unity resonates globally. His works, translated into numerous languages, inspire people worldwide. Monuments in Russia, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, and beyond honor his legacy.

Under President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s leadership, Turkmenistan is dedicated to studying and preserving Magtymguly’s heritage. His poetry serves as a powerful expression of Turkmen identity and a bridge to fostering international friendship and cooperation.

the 11th grade student of the 6th Secondary School
of the Gokdepe etrap of Ahal velayat.


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