Global Gateway Investment Forum

Turkmenistan’s team will attend the Global Gateway Investment Forum on Sustainable Transport in Brussels on January 29-30, 2024.

During a meeting, the head of Turkmenistan’s Transport and Communications Agency, said they will talk to European companies to work together on transportation projects. This was reported by the official Turkmen media.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov told a group of important people to talk about how to invest in Turkmenistan’s transportation system.

According to the report, talking about these things will be really important for working together and getting important projects done.

The head of Turkmenistan’s Transport and Communications Agency also talked about getting ready for the subordinate groups’ plans for 2024. They want to improve the movement of goods and the ability to pass through different regions.

compiled by Gulzar CHENDIROVA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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