Freedom, Equality and Justice for All

The Universal Declaration gives us a guide to shared beliefs and ways of doing things that can help solve problems and make the world safe and stable.

The leader of the United Nations, António Guterres
The 10th of December 2023 is the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is a very important promise to protect people all over the world. This important paper protects the rights that every person deserves as a human – no matter their race, color, religion, gender, language, politics, or where they come from.

The United Nations made a Declaration in Paris on 10 December 1948. It was the first time that basic human rights were written down and meant to apply to everyone in the world. This document has been translated into over 500 languages, making it the most translated document in the world.
A year-long project that is about fairness, moving forward and getting people involved, will end with a big event in December 2023. At the event, global promises and thoughts for how human rights can improve in the future will be announced.

Idea: All people should have freedom, be treated equally, and receive fair treatment. Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made in 1948, people’s rights are now more accepted and protected all around the world. The UDHR has been used as the starting point for protecting human rights. Now, it also helps to protect groups of people who are more at risk, like those with disabilities, indigenous people, and migrants.

The UDHR promised dignity and equal rights to everyone, but these promises have been attacked a lot lately. As the world deals with problems like pandemics, conflicts, unfairness, a broken financial system, racism, and climate change, the values and rights in the UDHR show us how to work together and make sure no one is left behind.

The Human Rights 75 initiative aims to help more people understand and take action to support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the activism that goes along with it.

student of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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