Turkmen-Turkish business forum was held in Ashgabat

Today, the Turkmen-Turkish business forum was held in the capital of Turkmenistan, the main topic of which was the intensification of bilateral partnership in the context of long-term plans for the future.

Turkmenistan and Turkey are getting better at working together and they are becoming more capable. Recently, big projects in important parts of the country’s economy have been done and are still being done with the help of Turkish businesses. Seeing that Turkmenistan is well-respected and a good partner, Turkish companies want to work closely with them on projects to help the country grow and develop.

The Turkmen side talked about how their country has grown economically and what they have achieved as an independent and neutral country. They also promised to work together in areas that they think are important for their country’s development. The signs showing how Turkmenistan’s economy is doing are really good, and they seem to be getting better all the time. We can make big changes in the economy and in areas like oil, gas, transportation, construction, chemicals, and energy. This will help the country grow economically. This helps Turkmenistan’s economy grow faster and become a strong player in the global economy, with a high standard of living for its people.

Making big changes, doing investment projects, using ideas from other countries and new technology in all areas and industries – all this helps the country’s economy grow quickly. One reason to work together well is that the country is changing a lot, especially making new laws that help foreign business people.

Turkmenistan and Turkey’s government officials and business leaders discussed working together on projects and finding more ways to collaborate during their meetings.

compiled by Oguljeren NAZAROVA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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