A demonstration lesson dedicated to cybersecuity on the themes like “human factor” and “social engineering” has been held in the “Bilim nokady” education centre.
Seminars about cybersecuity are regularly carried out by the Information Department of the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan.

In the seminar Yklym Myradov, a rightful expert in cybersecuity and digital technology, gave a speech.
The main aim of the seminar, that created curiosity among the listeners, was to teach about the role of humans in social network, the right way of using computer technology, to spread caution about their advantages and disadvantages and to prevent the addition of the youth to cyber network.
As was mentioned in the seminar, “Humans – the easiest source of information”, there was a deep discussion on the role of mankind in social network.