International Forum for World Sustainable Transport Day

The conference called “Sustainable Transport: Contribution to Sustainable Development” took place in Ashgabat on Sunday, according to the Turkmen official media. It was held to celebrate the first World Sustainable Transport Day.

The meeting took place at the Turkmen Railways agency and brought together leaders and experts from local organizations and agencies, as well as representatives from the UNDP Office in Turkmenistan, important international and regional transport groups, and large companies in the transport industry.

In addition, Serdar Berdimuhamedov greeted the people at the forum and stressed how important it is to update Turkmenistan’s transportation and communication system. He also pointed out how important it is to work together with other countries for everyone’s benefit.

The report says that the forum wants to share ideas and solutions to make transportation and logistics better and more stable. They also want to find new ways to use technology to keep transportation infrastructure in good condition, get more help from other countries, and work together more.

The people at the forum said that Turkmenistan is doing a lot to increase the amount of traffic going through the region.

At the United Nations meeting on May 16, 2023, all the countries agreed to a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan. This decision made November 26 World Sustainable Transport Day.

You can also read about it in Business Turkmenistan website.

compiled by Selbi HOJALYYEVA,
student of the Institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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