Turkmenistan participates in the AGRITECHNICA – 2023 exhibition

Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs are learning about new farming techniques at the AGRITECHNICA – 2023 exhibition in Hannover, Germany.

The biggest show of farm machines in the world is happening from November 12 to 18. Over 2700 people from 53 countries are coming together for it. Approximately 400,000 people from 135 countries are expected to come to the show.

The Turkmen delegation at the exhibition will help us see how we can use new technology to make Turkmenistan’s farming and industry better. New technologies will make farming in the country better and more competitive.

Meanwhile, a group from Turkmenistan led by the leader of the city of Arkadag, Shamuhammet Durdylyev, is now in Germany. The reason for the business trip is to learn about the machines and equipment used for municipal purposes. The visit will be from November 13th to November 18th.

compiled by Ysmayyl MUHAMMEDOV,
student of the Institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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