Turkmen-German Business Forum

The Turkmen-German business meeting took place on Monday at the Humboldt Carre Berlin Congress Centre in Berlin, Germany, according to official media reports.

Deputy Prime Minister for Trade Complex and Textile Industry, Batyr Atdaev, led a group from Turkmenistan at the event. The group included people from the Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce, government offices, business owners from Turkmenistan, and some important companies like Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and BMW.

The report said that the Turkmen-German business forum was important for making the relationship between the two countries stronger.

At the forum, Turkmenistan discussed its priorities for doing business with other countries. They want to work with important financial and banking institutions from other countries and learn from them about using digital technology and online banking.

You can also read about it in Business Turkmenistan website.

compiled by Guwanch ABDULLAYEV,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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