Turkmen-Iranian Business Forum

Yesterday, the capital city held a meeting for businesses from Turkmenistan and Iran to strengthen their partnership. The usual business meeting at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan was held at the same time as the special trade show “Iran Prože” from Iran in Ashgabat.

The meeting talked about how Turkmenistan and Iran can work together to help each other’s businesses. They discussed how they can trade and support each other in industries like oil, construction, energy, agriculture, and transportation. Both countries have a lot of potential to help each other out.

The group from Iran included important people from government, organizations that help start businesses and some big companies known for their work in technology and other areas.

At the meeting, people talked about working together for a long time and doing projects in road building, city planning, oil and gas, and chemicals. They also talked about how they could work together in the future. Business and economy, farming, and other things were also talked about as important areas to work together.

We talked about activating business relationships for small and medium businesses. As we saw, this partnership seems like it will work well because the non-government part of Turkmenistan’s economy is growing fast.

During the forum, representatives from different agencies and businesses from both countries met. They made new connections and signed important documents.

At the end of the meeting, the people who were there thanked President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for letting them have a big meeting. They talked about the economy and how the two countries can work together.

compiled by Myrat MAKSADOV,
student of the International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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