The youth forum of Central Asian countries and China is being held

On November 16, the Youth Forum of Central Asian Countries and China under the name “New Epoch of the Great Silk Road” began its work in the city of Mary.

The event was held with the aim of expanding and deepening the traditional relations between the countries of the Central Asian region and the peoples of the Central Asian Republic and its organization was established by the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, the relevant ministries and departments, the Government of Mary Province. The three-day forum, which has become one of the important events of Arkadag Serdarly’s Happy Youth Year, brings together young professionals, students, volunteers, active members, people working in all fields of the economy, education and science of the People’s Republic of China, Central Asian countries – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The representatives of culture, art systems, parliamentary bodies took part in the forum.

Among the important events within the framework of the forum was the ceremony of awarding the Youth Award of Turkmenistan to the youth who distinguished themselves in work and creativity, announced by the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, on the occasion of the foundation of this organization, and in the state drama theater named after Kemine of Mary Velayat, the cultural and artistic masters of Central Asian countries and China a youth festival will be held.

Also, for the participants of the forum, a tour will be arranged to the state historical and cultural reserve “Ancient Merv”, one of the ancient urban oases preserved to this day along the Great Silk Road, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Kakageldi AKMYRADOV,
student of the institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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