The Harvest Festival is widely celebrated in Turkmenistan

The Harvest Festival is a big celebration in the country on November 12. It shows how hard Turkmen farmers work and how generous their land is.

Among the participants of the event are members of the Government, deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslakhaty, heads of ministries and line departments, representatives of the media, public organizations, diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Turkmenistan, as well as honorary elders and gray-haired mothers from all velayats of the country.

And also today, there were five races at different lengths. The first race had young jockeys riding in it. Each competition made the audience really excited. It’s hard not to appreciate the way Akhalteke horses run so gracefully and fast like the wind, almost like they’re flying over the racetracks. This amazing show of teamwork between the rider and the horse working together towards a goal was really impressive and moved everyone who saw it.

The people at the celebration thanked President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the changes he is making to help the industry and improve life in Turkmen villages. They promised to work hard to make the country’s farming and industry even better.

student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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