Turkmenistan invited Turkey to work together in agriculture and using water resources

As we know, the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, recently visited Turkey. During his visit, he spoke at a business meeting in Ankara and asked Turkish partners to work together in farming and using water wisely.

Nowadays, farming is one of the main parts of the economy. The leader stressed that our main job is to keep our countries’ food supply secure and help other countries do the same.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov believes that in Turkmenistan, a lot of money is spent on improving the agriculture and agro-industrial sector, including its equipment and facilities.

To put it simply, we suggest working together with Turkey to improve farming and producing crops. This includes finding ways to increase agricultural yields, improving seed production and selection, and incorporating new technology into the production process. The President of Turkmenistan said that they are ready to form good relationships with Turkish companies in these fields, which will be advantageous for both sides.

The leader of Turkmenistan says that the world is dealing with climate change and other environmental dangers, and in these circumstances, the importance of managing water is growing.

The President of Turkmenistan also said that a main goal is to work together in using water wisely and using technology that saves water.

compiled by Selbi ATABALLYYEVA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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