International day of clean air for blue skies

For centuries, man has felt like the king of nature, without thinking about the   consequences of actions to transform it. The 21st century has become a time for taking action to combat environmental problems of a global nature. One of them is the pollution of the Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, a resolution adopted by the UN Assembly in 2019 established the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Sky, which is celebrated on September 7th.

This day is  held every year on a specific theme. This year’s theme of “Together for Clean Air” focuses on the need for stronger partnerships, increased investment and shared responsibility to overcome air pollution.

Every year, due to the progress of mankind, the ecological balance on the planet is disturbed more and more. Not only air is polluted, but also water, soil, etc. Scientists say that dirty air is the main cause of global climate change on Earth in the future. After all, we all breathe the same air, and one atmosphere protects and supports us all. Air pollution is a global problem that we must work together to combat.

student of the Institute of International
Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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