II semi final game of “Young messenger of peace”

On Friday, under the organization of the School of Young Diplomats, the 2nd semi-final game of the 2nd season of the intelligence contest “Young Messengers of Peace” was held at the Institute of International Relations.

The 2nd semi-final game of the season of the competition held under the general theme “Dialogue-Peace Guarantee: Culture of Peace in the Diplomatic Heritage of the Ancient Era” was called “Dialogue of Civilizations – Humanity is the Basic Basis for Peace”.

The main goal of the competition is to identify and educate patriotic youth, to identify talented young people who will devote their future destiny becoming specialists in the field of diplomacy and international relations, as well as to increase their enthusiasm for foreign languages.

In total, 8 young messengers qualified for the final round of the competition. They are:

Aygul Sahedowa- 10th grade student of the 35th specialized school in Sakarchage

Azat Amansahedow- 10th grade student of the 43th specialized school in Sakarchage

Aygul Sahedowa- 11th grade student of the 86th specialized school in Ashgabat city

Dawut Gezerow – 11th grade student of the specialized regional school in Mary

Guljan Serdarova- 10th grade student of the specialized regional school in Mary

Mekan Agahanov- 11th grade student of the 16th secondary school of Ashgabat city

Yhlas Hallyev – 11th grade student of the special music boarding school at the Turkmen language conservatory named after Maya Kulyeva.

Anwar Bekmedov is a 10th grade student of the 24th school of Dashoguz

Student of the institute of international Relations
Of the MFA of Turkmenistan


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