The legal foundation for nature protection

Nature is our home.  Preserving nature is a sacred duty of every human being.  Due to the wise initiatives of the Esteemed President, great works are being carried out in order to transform our beautiful nature into a wilderness.  In the era of the advanced development of human civilization, considering the close relationship between mankind and nature, the systematic use of nature’s natural resources has become the most critical problem of mankind while protecting nature.

The above is reflected in Article 116 of Chapter 4 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.  That is “Determines measures for the planned use of natural resources and protection of the environment.”

 In this field, not only in Turkmenistan but in almost all countries of the world, large-scale activities are being implemented in this field.  Special attention was paid to ecology in the field of science.  In accordance with the educational programs, secondary schools have a lesson on ecology. 

UN documents on nature protection – biological diversity, climate change, issues related to the ozone layer, protection of water flows and their regular use, papers on the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of UNESCO, the UN Environment Protection Program,  Dozens of projects implemented in collaboration conservation in the global community.

Student of the Dowletmammet Azady
Turkmen national institute of world languages


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