Results of the tripartite summit in Avaza

On December 14, at the congress center of the national tourist zone “Avaza” the first tripartite summit was held with the participation of president Serdar Berdimuhamedow, the president of the republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, and the president of the republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey have impressive partnership potential, the possibility of maximum implementation of which is largely due to their favorable geographical position. The summit, initiated by the Turkmen side and designed to promote the further development of effective cooperation is of particular importance. Taking an active position in matters of international cooperation, our country puts forward concrete initiatives to build up a constructive partnership both on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey stand for the maintenance of global peace, stability, and security, firmly and authoritatively declaring their position on the platforms of the UN, UTC, ECO, OIC, and other international forums. It is from this position that joint initiatives to establish cooperation in the supply of natural gas from Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan to Turkey and further to world markets should be considered.   

Government of the Turkmenistan, the government of the republic of Azerbaijan and the government of the Republic of Turkey on the establishment of a joint consultative commission on customs cooperation, a memorandum of understanding between the state concern “Turkmengaz”, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Energy of the republic Turkey on the further development of cooperation in the field of energy, memorandum of understanding between the transport and communications agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of digital development and transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the ministry of transport and infrastructure of the republic of Turkey on the further development of cooperation in the field of transport.

As a result of the meeting, in the presence of the heads of state, the following are signed: An agreement between the government of Turkmenistan, the government republic of the republic of Azerbaijan, and the government of the Republic of Turkey on trade and economic cooperation, framework program on cooperation in the field of science, education and culture for 2023-2025 between the government of Turkmenistan, the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the government of the Republic of Turkey on the establishment of a joint consular commission on customs.



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