Water diplomacy is developing

When it comes to water, we present the wise words of our esteemed President that the Turkmen people consider water as an invaluable gift of nature and a sacred resource that enlivens life.

Water management issues are one of the key areas of interregional cooperation between the partner countries of Central Asia and the creation of environmentally friendly and sustainable development conditions in the Central Asian region. It is believed that more than 70% of the surface of the globe is covered with water, and only 2.5 percent of this volume is drinking water, it is also important to recall that 3/4 of the human body consists of water.

In September 2018, at the UN General Assembly, President of Turkmenistan called on UN member countries to develop a UN Special Program for the Aral Sea Basin and to single out the Aral Sea problem as a separate area of ​​the Organization’s activities.

The organization of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea was established in January 1993, and in December 2008 the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution on granting observer status to this fund. The regular measures taken by Turkmenistan in this direction are widely supported by the world community. At the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in September 2021, Turkmen leader stated that he intends, together with partners in the region, to seek the creation of a Special Program to Minimize the Consequences of the Ecological Catastrophe of the Aral Sea and a Special UN Program for the Aral Sea Basin. Continuation of the scientific and practical work of Water diplomacy and, which have become one of the main ones, the solution of issues on the Aral Sea.

For the purpose of in-depth scientific study of the Water Diplomacy of our country, on December 20, 2018, the esteemed President signed a Decree on the opening of a Training Center in priority areas of diplomacy of Turkmenistan at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The formation of a meaningfully new and active diplomacy of Turkmenistan that meets the high requirements of modern international relations, the ability to take an active position in creating a comprehensive international legal framework for interaction on energy, transport and water resources at the UN level is the basis of the structural activities of the Center.

The curriculum of the Center is coordinated with methodological, research and practical work. To this end, teachers prepare textbooks and teaching aids, articles of a scientific, theoretical and practical nature, and also create a database in these areas. International cooperation is being carried out with the aim of effectively solving problems within the framework of the functions of the Center and works related to its activities.


Dovletmyrat Hajyyev,

1st Year Student of the Faculty of
International Law of the Institute of
International Relations of the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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