The Importance and Significance of Water Diplomacy in International Relations

Ensuring peace, stability and development in the modern world largely depends on the thoughtful solution of issues related to water resources. As the President of Turkmenistan noted, water is a sacred source of life and abundance for all peoples of the world. It is extremely important to unite the efforts of the countries of the world in solving water management problems, to develop long-term strategies for the systematic use of water.

In Turkmenistan, much attention is paid to improving the scientific base and quality of higher education in the country. On December 20, 2018, the head of state signed the Decree on the opening of a training center in the priority areas of Turkmenistan’s diplomacy at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan for the purpose of scientific study of the energy, transport and water diplomacy of our country.

The main task of the center is to organize training and advanced training based on an in-depth study of the country’s foreign policy, primarily its initiatives aimed at effective international cooperation on energy, transport and water resources, as well as their practical implementation. Research activities and specialized training conducted within the framework of the training center are aimed at solving these important problems. The educational activity of the center is carried out in the form of special and optional courses for students.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Training Center in important areas of diplomacy of Turkmenistan, at this stage, a group consisting of students from all faculties of the institute participates as students of the center. According to the approved schedule, general and conversational classes on topical topics are held. Lessons are conducted interactively using presentations and video information.


Mergen GURDOV,

II Year Student of the Faculty of
International Law of the Institute of
International Relations of the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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