International Intellectual Property Day

Every year since 2001, April 26 is celebrated as the World Intellectual Property Day. Across the world, young people are boldly taking on the challenge of innovation, using their energy and talent, curiosity and creativity to pave the way for a better future.

This year’s International Intellectual Property Day 2022 is under the theme of IP and Youth: Innovating for the Future. International Intellectual Property Day 2022 celebrates the great potential of young people in finding new and better solutions to facilitate the transition to a sustainable future.

Young people around the world are taking on challenges through innovation, using their energy and ingenuity, curiosity and creativity to achieve a brighter future. Minds motivated to innovate, drive and realize their creative visions are helping to bring about the changes we need to move towards a more sustainable future. Find out how IP rights can help the youth of tomorrow secure a brighter future.

The youth of today are an incredible and largely untapped source of ingenuity and creativity. The fresh outlook, energy, curiosity and willingness to overcome the challenges of young people, as well as the desire for a better future, are already transforming existing approaches and spurring innovation and change. World Intellectual Property Day 2022 is an opportunity for young people to learn how IP rights can support them in achieving their goals, helping them turn their ideas into reality, generate profits, create jobs and make a positive impact on the world around them. IP rights give young people access to some of the key tools they need to achieve their goals.


Umyt Annagylyjova,

 2nd year student of International Law Faculty of
the Institute of International Relations of 
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan


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