The developing digital education system

In the prosperous period of our sovereign state, huge efforts are being made to develop the digital economy in our country, to train highly educated specialists who meet international standards and who are well versed in information technology development. We attach great importance to the transition to a digital share in the policy of our country. The radical development and modernization of the education system is one of the priorities of the state policy. Timely implementation of changes in the field of science and education constantly improves this system and brings it to a qualitatively new level.  In connection with the comprehensive transfer of scientific and educational systems of our country to a digital system, the Program for the transfer of science in Turkmenistan to a digital system for 2020-2025 and the State program for the integrated development of chemical science and technology in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and these programs are being implemented in stages. The implementation of these strategically important programs will raise the scientific system to new heights.

The education system plays a special role in the transition to digital systems in our country. It is necessary to master the skills of modern computer technologies, first, for teachers and specialists working in the field of education, as well as for those who receive education in the development of digital education. There are important tasks before the rise of the education system of our country to the highest world level. The task of improving the training of teachers in this area using modern technologies and databases is also moving forward.Now these tasks are successfully solved. These tasks include, first, the creation of international educational institutions, the construction of new buildings of higher educational institutions and other educational institutions equipped with more modern equipment, the introduction of the latest information and communication technologies into their work, including the provision of high-speed access to the Internet and electronic libraries.

In higher educational institutions of our country Specialists, teachers, as well as young people have developed network software for the digital education system, digital educational portals. The digital education portal includes such sections as e-mail, electronic document, distance learning, research, e-learning, competitions, Olympiads, conferences, forums, textbooks, dictionaries. In addition, as a result of the widespread introduction of digital technologies, high-speed Internet in educational institutions, among higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of our country, including foreign educational cooperatives, scientific and educational centers, consultations, remote classes with video lessons are regularly held.This is due to the fact that the effective use of the potential of the digital education system in a wide scope of education, science, sports, cultural and social activities in our country, the development of international cooperation in promoting international cooperation in higher educational institutions of our country.  Modern electronic textbooks, electronic textbooks, teaching aids, video and audio materials, interactive multimedia programs, teaching aids, and textbooks are being created with the introduction of digital education technologies in all educational institutions. IT technologies will contribute to the development of an effective, stable and self-sufficient digital education, the widespread use of new technologies, and strengthening the connection between science, education and production.

There is a lot of work to be done to further modernize and improve the education system. It is planned to introduce and improve the system of digital education, the development of e-learning tools in our country. Adapting the education system to the digital environment is helping to transform existing teaching, teaching and assessment practices. Such reforms create the best conditions for students to learn, and it is better for them to strengthen their educational innovations.



Lecturer of Turkmen state university named after Makhtumkuli


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