The EU Delegation to Turkmenistan in partnership with Ish Nokady and public association “Keik Okara” conducted a networking event on 5 April 2022 in support of vulnerable women and teenagers with risky behavior. Prior, the EU Delegation has conducted an online information campaign providing inspiring stories of role models who lead by example promoting gender equality and social inclusion.
“Vulnerability is a social phenomenon which is impossible to avoid. There are many aspects of our live which make us vulnerable. Low social cohesion, unstable economic situation, negative climate change effects – all of these make each member of our community vulnerable to shocks and unforeseen risks. In this regard, the EU Delegation in Turkmenistan aimed to open up this subject for a public discussion to spur interest and establish a platform for community mobilization,” noted Ambassador Diego Ruiz Alonso in his opening statement.

The networking event in support of vulnerable women and teenagers summarized the EU Delegation efforts in promotion of the gender equality and inclusive society in Turkmenistan and brought together sixty representatives of the private sector, general public, diplomatic corps of Turkmenistan, as well as journalists and social media influencers.

The event was held in an interactive format and helped participants to raise awareness and understand the concept of vulnerability, why and how people become vulnerable. A very strong message on community mobilization was delivered through five presentations of speakers from NGOs and private sector working on the subject of disability. In particular, Sabir Agabalayev “Keik Okara” and Gulya Chorekliyeva “Yenme” discussed the concept of vulnerability and the ways to support vulnerable groups. Entrepreneurs Jamilya Jepbarova and Ayna Ovezova described their experience of working with vulnerable women, including victims of domestic violence, former prisoners, women with many children, women with disabilities and women in rural areas. Entrepreneurs provided guidelines on how to engage into social entrepreneurship, why it is important and how to behave with vulnerable women. Finally, Jamilya Kerimova provided insights into self motivation and importance of the mentoring and private sector mobilization for support of the vulnerable groups of population.
31.03.2022 Ashgabat hosted a seminar for public associations to promote gender equality