February 20, World Day of Social Justice

Every year on February 20, the world celebrates the World Day of Social Justice. The UN General Assembly proclaimed it on November 26, 2007. This holiday was first celebrated in 2009. Social justice – the creation for all members of society of equal opportunities for the realization of their abilities, the satisfaction of vital needs; proportionality of remuneration received by people and their various associations from society and its individuals, according to their deeds, deeds, nature of life. The implementation of the principle of social justice presupposes the expansion of opportunities for the development of the abilities of all citizens and the choice of types of labor activity in accordance with them: improving the system of vocational guidance for young people, all types of vocational training, the system of adaptation of young personnel in labor collectives, etc. The first World Summit for Social Development was held in 1995 in Copenhagen (Denmark). The heads of 117 states and governments adopted the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and the Program of Action, where they fixed specific commitments to improve human conditions.

In 2007, a draft resolution on this subject was presented by the Kyrgyz delegation. It was co-sponsored by about 80 UN member states. It stressed that economic growth, peace and security, and the observance of human rights are essential conditions for social development and social justice. The resolution drew attention to the fact that globalization and interdependence, through trade, investment and capital flows, as well as advances in technology, including information technology, offer new opportunities for the growth of the world economy and the improvement of living standards around the world.

On June 10, 2008, the International Labor Organization unanimously adopted the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization.


Gurdov Mergen,  

1st Year Student of the Faculty of
International Law of the Institute of
International Relations of the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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