World Philosophy Day

Many thinkers argue that «surprise» is the root of philosophy. Indeed, philosophy is associated with the natural tendency of people to find the amazing, both within themselves and in the world around them.

A philosophy that positions itself as a form of «wisdom» teaches us to think, constantly question established truths, test hypotheses and draw conclusions.

Over the centuries, in every culture, philosophy has generated concepts, ideas and analysis, and through this has formed the basis for critical, independent and creative thought.

Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality and existence, what can be known, and right and wrong behavior. It comes from the Greek word phílosophía, which means love of wisdom. This is one of the most important areas of human thought, as it seeks to comprehend the very meaning of life.

UNESCO has proposed holding World Philosophy Day on an annual basis in order to bring the richness of philosophical thought to the world community at the global level.

World Philosophy Day was proclaimed at the 33rd session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2005 in Paris.

UNESCO has proposed holding World Philosophy Day on an annual basis in order to bring the richness of philosophical thought to the world community at the global level.

More than 70 countries, including 25 in Africa, celebrated the first two days of philosophy, offering everyone, regardless of their culture, the opportunity to reflect on questions as diverse as «Who we are as individuals and as a global community.» We need to reflect on what the world is like today and determine if it is in line with our ideals of justice and equality. We need to ask ourselves whether our society truly lives up to the ethical and moral standards of our great declarations.

World Philosophy Day thus gives us a reason to ask ourselves questions that are often forgotten: «What do we forget to think about?» «What forms of unacceptable reality have become familiar to us?»



1st year student of the International Law Faculty
of the Institute of International Relations 
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan..


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