The status of Permanent Neutrality – the guarantor of peace and prosperity

December, 12 marks the 26th anniversary of the permanent Neutral status of Turkmenistan.  On this day in 1995, the UN General Assembly at its meeting adopted the Resolution “On Permanent Neutrality  of Turkmenistan”,  determined the further fate of Turkmenistan and its place in the political and economic life of the world community,  political image of the country.  This is a document of great historical importance. 

The country made the right choice,  very clearly aware,  that the hypertrophied development of the defense complex,  creation of large armed forces,  militarization of the economy,  the use of significant budgetary funds for defense needs will prevent the successful implementation of social economic reforms. By the way it replies the historical traditions and national mentality of the Turkmen.  It became the approval of the status of Neutrality,  which in the  one side,  would protect the country from possible outside interference, and on the other, would confirm the peaceful foreign policy of Turkmenistan. 

Turkmenistan was among the first of the newly independent states to accede to all international conventions and treaties on the nonproliferation of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction.  Another proof of Turkmenistan’s adherence to the policy of peacefulness is the adoption of the next Resolution of the UN General Assembly “On the Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” in 2015.  Our country has established itself as a state, which  scrupulously fulfilling its international obligations in the field of humanitarian law.  In this regard, Turkmenistan actively cooperates with international and regional humanitarian organizations,  such as the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, UN humanitarian agencies: WHO,  UNESCO,  UNICEF,  UN High Commissioner for Refugees. 

In the year of the 26th anniversary of permanent neutrality, Turkmenistan confidently continues to implement ambitious projects,  achieves significant success in ensuring high rates of economic growth, improving the level and quality of life, its political and socio-economic development.  Socio-economic,  macroeconomic, foreign economic and many other important strategic indicators confirm the progressive development of the national economy,  reflect the socially oriented nature of the reforms.

The constructive policy of Turkmenistan, carried out by the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was highly appreciated by the world community.  The humanism of Neutrality, being an integral part of the state policy of Turkmenistan, has a huge impact on the effective implementation of national programs,  achievement of social and political stability in the country and in the region as a whole.  Based on the status of the nation’s permanent primordial humanistic values, this strategy has become a reliable guarantor of the prosperity of the Motherland.  happy and prosperous life of Turkmen people.


The 1st Year Student of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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