This year marks the 26th  anniversary of our dear Motherland’s Permanent Neutrality. In the past, centuries-old work has been completed in our country. Turkmenistan has established diplomatic relations with many countries around the world and has been a member of several international organizations. This proves that the prestige of our Fatherland in the international arena is growing and the good relations that have been inherited from our ancestors are flourishing.

Issues related to the maintenance of peace, security and stability in the region, the further development of international cooperation have become one of the main directions of state policy in our independent and permanent neutral country. As a result of the prudent policy of our esteemed President, the perfect foundation of a rule of law and a secular state has been formed in Turkmenistan. Our country’s Permanent Neutrality Law serves as a solid political and legal framework for establishing and developing diplomatic relations with world countries and strengthening cooperation with international organizations. Turkmenistan is intensifying its political, diplomatic and economic activities, adhering to the principle of sustainable development through the unparalleled efforts of our Hero Arkadag. Therefore, at present, our country plays an important role in strengthening political stability in the region.

In the prosperous period of our sovereign state, Turkmenistan is a member of the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Commonwealth of Independent States and other member states. Huge work is being done to ensure peace and global security.

Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President, our reputation as a state capable of ensuring peace-loving foreign policy, global security and sustainable development, which is constantly advancing at a rapid pace, has made great strides in all areas. In fact, at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly on June 3, 2015, the resolution «Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan» was unanimously adopted by 193 states. 47 countries have co-authored the document. The resolution states that Turkmenistan contributes to the strengthening of peace and security in the region of the Permanent Neutrality Rule of Law. This historic solution is a worldwide recognition of our country’s reputation as a peace-loving foreign policy capable of making a worthy contribution to the work of strengthening peace and ensuring global security and sustainable development.

In the prosperous period of our sovereign state, our Fatherland is doing great work to enhance the international prestige of our Motherland.   


Student Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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