Ashgabat, 21 May 2021: Within the framework of the UNDP project “Supporting Climate Resilient Livelihoods in Agricultural Communities in Drought-prone Areas of Turkmenistan”, in the Agro-Information Centers of the project located in the Gorogly etrap of the Dashoguz velayat and the Deynau etrap of the Lebap velayat, educational events were organized with representatives of secondary educational institutions dedicated to International Climate Day.
As known the International Climate Day, celebrated annually on May 15 by all countries of the world, was established in response to the call of meteorologists to protect the climate as an important resource influencing the well-being of present and future generations. Climate preservation is one of the global problems facing humanity today.
To build capacity and enhance activities on climate change, the UNDP project organized this event aimed at forming an initial understanding of climate and its role in human life, the importance of solving environmental problems on global warming, and transferring this knowledge to the younger generation.
The event was attended by the heads of the educational department of more than 25 secondary schools of the Gorogly etrap and the Deynau etrap, representatives of the main education department of the Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, representatives of the education departments, etrap khyakimliks and the local project team.
During the event, UNDP project representatives demonstrated and presented to representatives of educational institutions the informational material “Climate Box” aimed at teaching and raising awareness about climate change among schoolchildren in the region. “Climatic box” – a set of educational and play materials published in Russian and Turkmen languages for secondary school students, teachers and methodologists of Turkmenistan. This material is designed to provide pupils with important information on issues related to global climate change in an interesting and attracting format, and to provide teachers with methodological recommendations on the use of these materials in the framework of the general education program.
This material was prepared and adapted jointly with representatives of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in 2019 within the framework of the Regional project “Climate Box: Education and Awareness of Climate Change Issues”, supported by the Russian Development Trust.
The participating representatives of the education department of the etrap noted that the activities carried out within the framework of the UNDP project are very important and relevant for schoolchildren of secondary schools as additional informative information material that considers all factors of climate change impact and adaptation. The specialists noted that all the information and materials received will be applied in schools with full enthusiasm and with the desire of teachers to increase the level of knowledge among schoolchildren in the field of climate change adaptation.
During the event, a demonstration of the presentation “Man and Nature: Ethics of Relationships” was held for the participants. In an interactive lecture, participants discussed issues of what the weather is, what the climate is and why it is changing, impact of human activities or natural causes. The participants were also introduced to information about the greenhouse effect, its sources, consequences of climate change and important response measures to avoid the irreversible effects of climate change, the international agenda on climate change. Possible measures for adaptation to climate change were announced. At the end of the presentation, the participants were familiarized with the Legislation of Turkmenistan aimed at combating climate change, and with the State and National Programs of Turkmenistan that provide for adaptation measures.
Then the participants were introduced to the “Climate Box” set, its contents, all sections, instructions for conducting the quiz and using the cards. Participants were shown posters depicting “the possible impact of climate change on nature and humans by the end of this century” and “Tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint”.

At the end of the meeting, the project team solemnly handed over “Climate boxes” and brochures about the UNDP Project to all representatives of secondary schools and other participants. The participants of the event, in turn, expressed their gratitude to the UNDP project for holding this event, which allowed them to get a lot of useful information and knowledge. It was noted that the teachers would like to apply the acquired knowledge during the lessons of Ecology, Geography, Natural history and Biology using interactive teaching methods, as well as for practical exercises, demonstrations and presentations among students of 5-11 grades. The UNDP Country Office in Turkmenistan is ready to transfer more than 400 copies of “Climate boxes” to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan for further distribution of these publications among the educational institutions of the country. The representative office of the UN agencies, together with national partners, plans to continue organization of such environmental actions on the eve of the World Environment Day which will be celebrated everywhere on June 5, 2021.
Source: UNDP office in Turkmenistan