Exclusive interview with HE Roseli Abdul, Ambassador of Malaysia to Turkmenistan

Two weeks ago we had an informal interview with HE Roseli Abdul, the Malaysian Ambassador to Turkmenistan. In our friendly talk, I said: “This is our first meeting, but hope that won’t be last”. Then I didn’t know that his mission would come to end in two weeks.

It took time for our editorial to edit the video of the interview. So, we couldn’t post it before HE Roseli Abdul’s mission ended.

But still, I feel lucky I could take this interview before his departure for Ashgabat from such a great person. A very experienced diplomat, with a wide range of knowledge, interests and at the same time so friendly and humble.

We talked about several topics. From his interests, education, tourism, economy to bilateral relations.

I will break down moments from our interview in the next articles. But for now, please watch the full interview on our YouTube channel.

Merdan Atayev
InAshgabat Editor


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