On April 29, 17-year-old chess master Allayar Shirliyev competed with 31 chess players without looking at the board. The match, which took place in the sports hall of corporation “Süÿt” (“Milk”), ended with a score of 23.5-7.5.
The fight lasted 13 hours 10 minutes. Allayar’s opponents were level 1-2-3 chess players who are trained by the Honored Trainer of Turkmenistan Shohrat Myratguliyev at the Bagtyarlyk sports complex. The competition was judged by FIDE Master Maisa Ovezova.
Note that Allayar was born on October 31 on the same day with his idol Alexander Alyokhin, a forward chess player, 4th world champion, and their tactics are similar. In the ranking of world chess players in playing chess blindly, Allayar takes 6th place.
Allayar Shirliyev at the age of 15 managed to reach the top five of the national team of Turkmenistan among men. An amazingly talented teenager playing the most difficult kind of chess can be compared with Monsard, who composed music at a young age, Pascal, who created geometric definitions, or the chess player Capablanca.

Hajiiyev Ismail, Ovganov Abdyrahym, Mommayev Nurmuhammet, Dovletsahadov Serdar, Gijenov Guvanch, Polatov Aziz, Akmammedov Kerim, Gurbanov Ybrayym, Bayjayeva Leyli (a student of the 8th grade of secondary school No. 59), Annagurdov Nurgeldi, Kudratalylyev Kerim, Aslanow Alihan, Arslanov Ayhan, Serdarow Ybrayym, Serdarowa Perwana, Hommadowa Sona and Maksudow Hudayberdi lost to Allayar.
The following chess players ended in a draw: Batyrov Myrat, Mommayev Ayly, Akgayev Meret, Yagshymuradov Bayrammyrat, Ilbayev Shamil, Kolosov Artem, Orazov Yunus, Hommadov Bayram, Muhadov Yusup, Berdiyev Gudrat, Ovezova Yazgul, Serdarova Nurana (a student of school No. 27).
Only Mahridjemal Gylychmyradova managed to defeat Allayar in the game.
Thus, a student of the 11th grade of secondary school No. 60 Allayar Shirliev won 17 out of 31 games, finished 13 games in a draw and lost 1 game.
In the future, Allayar’s dream is to fight for the chess crown at the age of 22 (in 2025) with Magnus Carlsen, the most outstanding chess player of all times, and bring the return crown to Turkmenistan, following the path of As-Suli.
Maisa Ovezova,
Master of FIDE