Jeopardy game with the school children

Monday April 21st, became a memorable day in our university, welcoming bright students from several schools of Ashgabat. School children of multiple schools of our city, such as the School of Gifted Youth, 74th and 80th school had an amazing experience of competing among each other, in the teams.

Pupils enjoyed interacting with each as well as being active and answering the questions. Jeopardy game of general knowledge was organized and prepared by the staff and students of International Relations and Law.

In a very memorable Monday pupils not only had a chance to compete in among each other but also they took a little trip through our university, where students told them the not the very old but still full-of-achievements history if our university.

Yet coming back to the competition, unique questions and active participation challenged young participants to do their best and allowed them to learn some new and useful information. Considering questions were asked from a variety of different subjects, such as astronomy, art or technology, competition certainly impressed the participants.

The instructors and honorable guests awarded winner team with prizes from Academic affairs of our university. The other teams who didn’t win, still surely gained valuable experience and unforgettable memories from that day.

Kerwenmyrat Muradov
IUHD student


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