Just like learning other languages, where can residents of Ashgabat attend French Language courses?
Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi offers bachelor program of French Language and Literature.
“Dil” language center under the Azadi Institute offers short-term language courses for the public.

L’Institut Français du Turkménistan under embassy of France offers various language and cultural exchange programs. It is located at the address Torgovaya str. No: 1/12, 744000 Ashgabat. To contact the institution is possible through phone number +99312270860 or just simply through online contact form.

“World of Languages” education center under Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan also offers French language course along with other languages. The center is located at Ashgabat city, Parahat 3/2 living complex, Yunus Emre street (building block is combined with secondary school No:57). Phone numbers to reach: +99312450796, +99362533883.
Business School of Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan offers languages along with business-related courses.
Ashgabat Secondary Schools No: 4, 7, 27, 61, 136 and 143 deliver French subject as part of curriculum.
Course centers Dalchyn, Dana, Dayan, Gujurly Nesil, School of Law, Business and Technologies, Pak Nesil and many others offer French courses based on demand.
French is one of the trending European languages in Turkmen society. Interest of Turkmen youth to study in French Universities and Turkmen tourists to travel to France is getting higher.
Dovran Shammiyev and his sister Myahri Shammiyeva appeared on a videoclip shot in Darvaza Gas Crater singing a French song. This song got popular among the admirers of the musical art.
«Bouygues», «Sifal», «Vinci», «Tales», «Total» are some of the French companies operating in Turkmenistan.
Well-known French beauty center brend Dessange has launched branch in Ashgabat in August 2019.

Historic Novel “Stranger” writen by prominent writer of Turkmenistan and Russian Federation writer Atajan Tagan is surely one of the unique symbols of the Turkmen-French interaction in history. The novel tells the story of french diplomat Gulibef de Blokvill who was a captured by Turkmens after Persian army losing to Govshut Khan. Although the novel inspired from the real historic character, most of the scenarios are the fictions of the author. This scenario has been re-written as the theatrical play and show on the stage of Pushkin Drama Theatre in Ashgabat with the title “We definitely will meet !“