Prosper future with healthy generation

In the era of power and happiness, the basis of transformations in the sphere of education and sports is the education of young people in the spirit of patriotism and universal values, and the creation of a competitive sphere of education is the main goal of educational policy.

It is very important that the younger generation receive a good education, have a broad outlook. Our Dear President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the basis of the most modern world digital technologies, is carrying out fundamental transformations in improving the sphere of education so that the youth of our country keep pace with the times and understand modern technologies. On this basis, the “Concept for the Development of Digital Education in Turkmenistan” is being successfully implemented. This important document defines the goals, objectives and main directions of development of digital education in our country.

In our country, the development of education, youth training at a modern level, as well as the transition to new forms of training is carried out at a high level. For this our Respected President creates all the necessary conditions and opportunities. Turkmen youth have a great desire for knowledge. It embraces a sense of pride at the sight of their success and mastery in learning foreign languages, mastering new technologies. So today, in the building of Chamber of Commerce-industry of Turkmenistan the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan took part in the exhibition “Education and Sport in the Age of Power and happiness” held by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan. At the exhibition were widely represented works of art, graphics, sculpture, design work, as well as products of applied art. Work was done on a new city project on the Autodesk 3 ds Max program, showing work on a book by the State Academy of Arts on the Adobe InDesign program, work on images of Turkmen Alabai made in plasticine. Second-year students of the Department of Origami Design, Aygozel Atayeva and Ogulmaral Tachmuradova demonstrated the implementation of paper figures of a dove and various colors. Origami art originates in ancient China, and spreads to Japan, Korea, Germany, Spain. Origami patterns are performed by folding quadrangular sheets of paper. The design work, symbolizing peace, friendship and fraternity, performed by students, was warmly received by the exhibitors.

In a state where the health of the nation is considered the wealth of the country, work on the spiritual development of the young generation, its education, is carried out in conjunction with concerns about protecting its health. Young people are actively involved in various sports and improve their health. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on his mental abilities. A great deal of attention was attracted by the work of the 3rd year student of the Department of Graphics at the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan Akmurad Akyyev, who won a bronze medal in 2019 at the Kickboxing World Cup competitions.

The work of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan in this direction contributes to the growth of culture and art, national sports and tourism in our country, to improving the abilities of youth and the accumulation of beneficial experience. Students in their creative works talentedly express their feelings, their love for the homeland and people. Therefore, creative works dedicated to sports and education were offered for participation at the exhibition, by talented students of our art center – the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan Bahar Klychdurdyeva, Bezirgen Kurbannurov, Kakageldy Babaev, Merdan Jumalyev, Ogulshirin Bugraeva, Shemshat Nepesova, Jeren Charyyeva.

The works presented at the exhibition “Education and Sport in the Age of Power and happiness” show the achievements of our country in all directions of education and sport.

Bahar Magtymova,
lecturer of Faculty of Decorative-applied Arts,
Department of Art History,
State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan.


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