IUHD students won the debate competition dedicated to the UN Day

On Monday, October 21st, 27th school of Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat has set the stage for the guests from High educational establishments of Turkmenistan and officials from Ministry of Finance of Turkmenistan and United Nations, to celebrate the International United Nations Day and to enjoy the Debate competition among Turkmen students.

The competition was about the all-important global issues of financing the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN. Students presented their arguments and points regarding whether the SGD’s should be supported and financed by domestic resources or not.

Persuasive speeches and informative talks of students from high educational institutions such as International University for the Humanities and Development, Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli, Turkmen State University of Economics and Management and Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were substantial evidence of how academically prepared the students are.

In the end, after all the debates and arguments judges unanimously announced that winners of the debates were students of International University for the Humanities and Development.

Students enjoyed raising the winners’ cup second year in a row, and others were full of desire to improve their performances until the upcoming competitions. And as both the witnesses and participants, we students are happy to have chances to educate and become constructive debate competitors, and participate and take places in such tournaments.


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